Welcome to the Shapeways API

Explore the Shapeways API endpoints and start creating an integration:

Material Info

Get up-to-date information on our active material library

Not a developer?

Our team can help you find a solution that works for you. Contact us

Getting started

Read the Getting Started Guide to learn how to connect to the API and create your first app. Once you’re set up, you can:

Build ecommerce integrations

Integrate your website’s checkout with Shapeways. Or, create plugins for popular ecommerce platforms like Etsy, Shopify, and Shipstation.

Maintain zero inventory with just-in-time fulfillment

Let Shapeways manufacture and fulfill your orders on demand. Free up your time to deal with more pressing business needs.

Simple, accessible pricing

API access is free. When a customer places an order we charge a 5% per transaction fee. Get in touch to talk about volume discounts.

Get API Support

For questions related to pricing, accessibility, and development services contact us.

Find code examples and libraries in our GitHub Repository.